Camina conmigo pelicula completa en español

Camina conmigo pelicula completa en español

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Zen Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King Jr. for his activism. He is also a poet and writer, with some of his works being bestsellers around the globe. Although he is undoubtedly best known for bringing the practice of ‘mindfulness’ to the West and founding many centers dedicated to this technique.

The brother of director Max Pugh joined Plum Village in 2008 as a monk. Later, in 2011, he and several of his brothers asked Pugh to document their experience, for which he presented the project to his friend Marc J. Francis, who agreed to make it and co-direct it.

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“We have more possibilities in every moment than we think,” said Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. This possibility is offered to us by mindfulness, which, like walking meditation, is part of the philosophy that this Vietnamese pacifist, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and author of more than a hundred books, continues to spread around the world.

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Savoring each stepThe pact to continue meditating on foot and in procession after the monks to the Quevedo traffic circle was fulfilled without murmurs, with parsimony.who more or less tried to fulfill the precepts of “Thay” – so they call him – and slowly savor each step. “Not easy” for Adela, an early retiree, for whom “the road unites energies” and who hopes that acts like this “serve to achieve peace one day”.

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The documentary shows us the life of the monks in the Monastery – Sangha of Plum Village, founded in France by the master Thich Nhat Hanh or “Thay,” as his students call him, which means Master, and we see the rules that the new monks who become part of the community abide by.

It is pure honey to see how these extraordinary beings live and coexist as practitioners of “Mindfulness” or the practice of awareness of the present moment, so necessary in a society that urges each of the individuals who make it up to become aware of themselves, release the autopilot and begin to take control of their lives from that place that is pure peace, love and truth.

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And because installed in that “Peace” that is our true “Being”, looking for wealth, fulfillment, wellbeing and love outside of ourselves, completely loses its meaning and interest. It is not an easy path to renounce what produces suffering because it comes with the beautiful form of a gift wrapped in a flashy paper of desires and pleasure. It must be very clear to us that this beautiful wrapping hides potential suffering, or having had enough of suffering, or both at the same time.

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The world needs therapy and cinema can also become a proposal to make known an alternative. And even take that path in substance and form. This is a subtle invitation to the introspection of mindfulness, more relaxed even than the (rigorous) technique of this psychological process. The great merit of the film is that it shares with its own bet the difficulty of achieving its goal: nothing more difficult than to endure one’s own silences, like those of a documentary with images of individual and collective meditation. A small monument to the here and now, punctuated by the voice of Benedict Cumberbatch declaiming the teachings of the master Thich Nhat Hanh from his French oasis in Plum Village, the film lifts its foot off the accelerator of calm to pull human anecdotes and soften this Olympics of relaxation.

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